As a nation, we spend about one-quarter of our electricity budget on lighting, or more than $37 billion annually.
Clients – Case Examples
Better lighting, better bottom line – nothing tells the story of our motto better than these case studies, which show the real and substantial savings achieved by our customers through lighting retrofits and redesigns.
Office Space
A large real estate office in Los Angeles asked us to do a retrofit of 375 lighting fixtures. They are enjoying an energy bill savings of over $700 a month, which gave them a payback period of less than a year and half.
Utility Rebate:$3,922.25
Net Cost:$12,169.38
Annual Savings=$8,914.93
Monthly Savings=$742.91
Pay Back:16.3 Months
A brazing company in Santa Fe Springs needed a retrofit that included 135 lighting fixtures. The job paid for itself in less than a year, and they continue to realize a monthly saving of over $400.
Utility Rebate: $1,878.00
Net Cost: $4,781.44
Annual Savings =$4,963.80
Monthly Savings =$413.65
Pay Back:11.6 Months
This is a good example of how fast the cost of a lighting upgrade can be recouped in the type of facility where lights are left on for long periods of time. This bottling plant in Norwalk has burn hours 24 hours a day, 6 days a week. We installed 277 new energy efficient high bay lighting fixtures; with a monthly savings of over $7,500 a month, they realized a return on investment in less than 6 months.
Utility Rebate: $27,700.00
Net Cost:$43,667.98
Annual Savings = $90,537.78
Monthly Savings = $7,544.82
Pay Back 5.8 Months
We installed 94 energy efficient high bay lighting fixtures in this office/warehouse, saving them over $800 a month on their energy bill.
Utility Rebate:$9,400.00
Net Cost: $14,823.80
Annual Savings = $10,668.03
Monthly Savings = $889.01
Pay Back:16.6 Months
This manufacturer of brackets and frames for big screen TVs in Cerritos had us install 75 new energy efficient high bay lighting fixtures, giving them a monthly savings of over $700 a month.
Utility Rebate: $7,500.00
Net Cost:$11,967.83
Annual Savings = $8,918.91
Monthly Savings = $743.24
Pay Back:16.1 Months
Indoor Swap Meet
This large converted retail facility in Compton needed a retrofit of 1,880 lighting fixtures. Despite the large initial outlay, they still had a relatively short pay back period, and now continue to enjoy an average energy bill savings of over $7,000 a month.
Utility Rebate: $38,980.00
Net Cost: $116,078
Annual Savings = $93,600
Monthly Savings = $7,800.00
Pay Back:14.8 Months